School Nurse Notes

Seasonal Allergies: Information for Parents
As the seasons change, many children experience symptoms of seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever. Understanding these allergies and knowing when to keep your child home from school can help manage their health and prevent the spread of other illnesses.
Common Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies:
Runny or stuffy nose
Itchy or watery eyes
Itchy nose, throat, or ears
Dark circles under the eyes
These symptoms are typically triggered by airborne allergens such as pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds.
Managing Allergies at School:
Medication: Ensure your child takes their allergy medication as prescribed. If medication is needed during school hours, provide the school nurse with the necessary medications and instructions.
Communication: Inform the school nurse and your child and teacher about theirallergies. Provide details about triggers, symptoms, and any action plans.
Environment: Encourage your child to wash their hands after outdoor activities and avoid touching their face to reduce exposure to allergens.
When to Keep Your Child Home:
While mild allergy symptoms can often be managed at school, certain symptoms may warrant keeping your child at home to ensure their well-being and prevent the spread of other illnesses:
Fever: A temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. Your child should be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications before returning to school.
Severe Cough or Shortness of Breath: If your child has a persistent cough or difficulty breathing, consult a healthcare provider.
Vomiting or Diarrhea: Keep your child home until these symptoms have resolved for at least 24 hours.
Fatigue: If your child is too tired to participate in normal activities, best to let them rest at home.
It’s important to distinguish between allergy symptoms and those of other illnesses. For example, allergies typically do not cause fever, while viral infections might. If your uncertain about your child’s symptoms, consult with your healthcare provider.
Additional Resources:
For more information on managing allergies in children, visit the guide for parents:
By staying informed and proactive, we can work together to ensure your child’s health and success during allergy seasons.
Thank you,
Nurse Patti
Notes from Nurse Patti
August 26, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In the last several weeks we have seen an increase in the number of Flu cases. If your child is having flu symptoms, please keep him/her home and get an evaluation by a doctor.
If your child does have the flu, please call and let me know. I am required to keep up with the number of flu cases at the school. Thank you for your assistance with this.
I have attached an information sheet about the flu. You can also look on the school website under “Health/Nurse Patti” and there will be more information.
Thank you,
Nurse Patti
July 25, 2024
Welcome Back to School from Nurse Patti
2024 -2025
I hope each of you had a wonderful summer break. I am looking forward to the new school year 2024-2025. On the Nurse’s Corner on the school website you will find forms and information for you.
Just a few things I need to touch on before school. All vaccine records must be up to date to attend school, this is a Georgia law. There are some changes in the over the counter medication procedures, please be sure to review it. I will also need a Health Information/Over the Counter Medication form for each scholar. If this is not completed and signed, I will not be able to give any of the over the countermedication on list. I will not be able to call and get verbal consent from you.
If your scholar takes medication at school please bring to Open House, and we will be able to complete forms at that time. I look forward to seeing you at Open House. I will be available for any questions.
Thank you,
Nurse Patti
Stewart County School Nurse
Patti McDonald LPN
March 23, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we are getting close to the end of this school year, I just wanted to give some reminders of things that must be done each year.
Below you will find a link to the Health Information/Over the Counter Meds permission form. This must be filled out each year for each child, in order to enable me to dispense over the counter medicines. Without this form, I am not allowed to give any over the counter meds to your Scholar. I will no longer be taking verbal consents over the phone due to liability issues.
During the week of Wednesday the 29nth, Scholars in 6th and 8th graders will be recieving the yearly Scoliosis Screening. Forms to opt out of this screening were sent home on March 6, 2023. You must fill out the form if you do not wish for your Scholar to recieve a scoliosis screening.
Each year the Health Department checks the immunization records for scholars entering KK, 6th, 7nth, and 11th grade. I will be contacting the parents of Scholars who need immunizations in order for them to return to school next school year. You will have 30 days from the first day of school to get the necessary immunizations, if not, your Scholar will not be able to attend school until the record is current.
If your Scholar takes prescription medication at school, I will need forms updated and signed at the start of each school year. I will have all the needed forms at next year's Open House. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me by email or phone.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your Scholar's health.
Patti McDonald LPN
Stewart County School Nurse

Nurse Patti
- **new** Warning Signs of Suicide
- **new** 5 Action Steps to Help Someone Thinking of Suicide
- NURSE PATTI_September 1 letter to parents about Flu.docx.pdf
- A Flu Guide for Parents.pdf
- Student health information & OTC form updated 5-19-23.pdf
- Authorization to Give Medication at School
- Over-the-Counter Medications List
- Form: Notification of Parent Refill Needed
- When Can My Child Return to School
- Welcome Back to School from Nurse Patti 23-24 letter.pdf
- Nutrition Information for Students
- 0693_001.pdf
- Common Infectious Illnesses
- Parents_NICHQ Vanderbelt Assessment Follow uP
- Teachers_NICHQ Vanderbelt Assessment Follow-up (For Teachers)
- Form: Glucometer
- Summaery of GA Immunization Requirements for School Attendance
- Scoliosis Screening Information
- Form: #4400 Scoliosis Screening Certificate
- Form #4400 Information on Scoliosis Screenings
- Seizure Action Plan
- First aid for SEIZURES
- Form: My Asthma Action Plan
- Form: Written Authorization for Self-Administering Asthma Medication
- School Staff Guide to Life-Threatening Allergy Symptoms
- Form: Diabetes Medical Management Form
- Tips for Teachers of Students with Diabetes
- Head Lice Information
- Form: Written Authorization for Self-administer of EPI Pen or injectable
- Information about Ringworm
- Mild Head Injury and Concussion
- Monthly Tracker
- Information About a (MDI) Metered Dose Inhaler (
- Asthma: Trigger information